Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Introduction of the shrimp

The first thing you should know about me is that, noI am NOT a blue-ringed-octopus. I am a person. you are the shrimp that follow me around.

I don`t know if shrimp actually follow blue-ringed-octopui around.

There is a picture of a shrimp somewhere on the page.

Mom: ''Daney, you have 30 more seconds on that thing so slap a conclusion on it!''

Alright here is my conclusion: goodbye


  1. Daney, this is a super blog!

    Are shrimps' hearts really in their heads?

  2. Wonderful blog! I always knew that I was just a shrimp. I especially like your biography.

  3. hi daney great blog. bye

  4. i really like blue ringed octupi so its really cool! see ya! from g unit. p.s uegene was fun!
